Access Games -- Offers computer games accessible to children with special needs, disabled adults, and low vision players. |
Bavisoft -- Game software for the blind and visually impaired. |
Enabling Devices -- Augmentative communicators, adapted toys and switches. |
Funtastic Learning -- Educational and developmental toys that help children improve their cognitive, perceptual, sensory, and motor skills, as well as their logical thinking abilities and memory skills. |
Pathways Development Group -- Allowing children with disabilities to play Nintendo consoles like everyone else. |
TenderCare4Kids -- Products for the care and development of the child with special needs. Learning and development toys, feeding aids, and mobility devices. |
Therapyfun4kids -- Offers therapy toys and supplies for occupational therapists, special educators, and parents. |
ZForm -- Online games where the visually impaired and fully sighted come together as equals. |